How to install Sublime Text Editor in Ubuntu?

In this beginner’s guide, I’ll walk you through the seamless process of installing Sublime Text Editor on Ubuntu.
Whether you’re a coding enthusiast, developer, or simply seeking a feature-rich text editor, Sublime Text Editor offers a sleek interface, unparalleled performance, and an array of functionalities that enhance your coding or editing experience.
Features of Sublime Text
Some interesting features of the Sublime Text Editor include:
- Syntax highlighting and folding.
- Autocompletion.
- Tabbed interface to work on Multiple files simultaneously.
- Cross-platform support.
- Plugins and integrations.
- Simultaneous selecting and editing.
- Quick Navigation.
- Spell check.
- Macros.
And many other great features that can help you optimize your workflow and elevate your productivity.
Installing Sublime Text on Ubuntu Graphically
You can install sublime text with a few clicks through the Ubuntu Software Center. Follow these steps:
1. Start the Ubuntu Software Center and search for Sublime Text.
2. Now, click on the “Sublime Text” search result.

3. Click on the “Install” button to install Sublime Text on Ubuntu.

After installation, you can start Sublime Text through the applications menu.
Installing Sublime Text on Ubuntu using Terminal
If you prefer the command-line method over the graphical one, then there are two ways in which you can install sublime text on Ubuntu.
The first method is by adding the Sublime PPA repository and the other is to use the snap command. You can use any one of these methods to install Sublime on Ubuntu.
By Adding the Repository
To install Sublime by adding the repository, follow these steps:
1. Open the terminal and use the “wget” command to download the Sublime gpg key.
wget -qO - | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/sublimehq-archive.gpg
2. Now, add the sublime repository to your Ubuntu system.
There are two channels of Sublime Text available – dev and stable. The “dev” is the development version that contains all the latest changes, on the other hand, the “Stable” version is more reliable in work environments.
Note: The below command will add the “stable” channel of Sublime Text.
echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list
3. Update the Ubuntu software repositories.
sudo apt update
4. Install Sublime Text on Ubuntu.
sudo apt install sublime-text

5. Once it’s installed, you can check the sublime text version using the following command:
subl --version
6. Start the Sublime text on Ubuntu using:

Using Snap
To install Sublime Text on Ubuntu using Snap, follow these simple steps:
1. Open a terminal and install snap (if it isn’t already installed).
sudo apt install snapd
2. Now, using snap install the Sublime text editor.
sudo snap install sublime-text --classic

3. Start the sublime text using the command:
Removing Sublime Text from Ubuntu
For any reason you wish to remove sublime text from your Ubuntu system, then you can do so either graphically (through the Ubuntu Software Center) or using the terminal.
If you have installed Sublime Text by adding the PPA repository, then use the apt command to remove Sublime.
sudo apt remove sublime-text
If you have installed Sublime using Snap, then use the following command to remove it from your Ubuntu system:
sudo snap remove sublime-text
As you have seen, installing Sublime Text Editor on Ubuntu is a pretty straightforward process.
With its intuitive interface, extensive plugin support, and lightning-fast performance, Sublime Text Editor remains a top choice for developers and coding enthusiasts. Moreover, unlike running Notepad++ on Ubuntu (that you have to run using Wine), Sublime Text is officially available for Linux.
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